JC officials increase amount for Street Maintenance Project

26 Jun 2018

Mike Sellman

Junction City officials increased the amount for the 2018 Street Maintenance project, Tuesday, June 19. 

In March, the City Commission approved a bid to Bayer Construction for $864,084.25 for the project.

As the Public Works Department budgeted $1.1 million for the project, and the city received a good bid from Bayer, Public Works Director, Ray Ibarra, asked city officials to increase the project amount by $240,652, which would bring the total amount to $1,104,736.25. 

Junction City Mayor, Pat Landes, noted that the use of the word “increase” may be a little misleading as the City isn’t necessarily increasing costs. Rather, they’re using money already allotted to the city. 

Funding for the project is available within the Street Maintenance budget. 

“We can add a couple more streets to our project right now,” Ibarra said. 

Public Works will work on Second Street from Washington Street to Jackson Street, the rest of Adams Street between Chestnut Street to Third Street, as well as from Ash Street to Washington Street, some of Whitney Street, Elmdale Street, and a piece of First Street.

City officials approved the change order in the amount of $240,652.

They also approved a change order to increase costs of the KLINK Resurfacing project by $19,285.05. 

APAC-Kansas, Inc., of Salina, was previously award the bid for the Kansas Department of Transportation KLINK Project to resurface Washington Street, from Sixth to 18th Streets. 

“That involved sidewalk improvements, new drains, inlets, mills, and overlay of the asphalt,” Ibarra said. 

He also said during the project’s completion, additional overruns were encountered with issues on the old curb and gutter, in which Public Works crews had to re-mill some spots, and addition pavement markings, a manhole adjustment, and valve box adjustments needed to be made. 

“That’s what the increase is for,” he said. “A little bit of more milling and adjustment.”