Target Industries

Our region offers a solid foundation for the continued and new growth of business and industry. Our strategic location paired with skilled labor and an actively pro-business climate help to cultivate this area. 

Our Economic Development team focuses on the following three activities.

  1. Existing Industry Growth and Support: helping to encourage and sustain investment and workforce development.
  2. Recruitment/Attraction of new target or support industry and business.
  3. Partnering with Entrepreneurial/Start-Up programs to help build our local entrepreneurs and their contributions to the area.

Our target industries are embedded within this strategy. These are the areas of business and industry that fit to our assets and labor base.


The Midwest has long been a manufacturing stronghold. The skill sets in our part of the country have a traditional bend toward designing and producing machinery, large equipment, airplanes and more.

Manufacturers will find a skilled workforce to drive their business growth in Junction City-Geary County as well as access to technical training to enable continuous advancement. 


For transportation and national distribution, you won’t find a more strategic, efficient location in America. Junction City-Geary County is in the center of excellent transportation assets with access to interstate rail, trucking and air corridors that put businesses within next-day freight service of 70 percent of the U.S. 


The robotics sector has begun to flourish in our county. It has great potential for growth because it’s a complementary industry for the existing manufacturing and materials handling infrastructure that’s already available in Junction City-Geary County. 

Ag & Bio-Based Products

Kansas is known for its strong agricultural sector. Agriculture and products derived from crops will continue to play a key role in the state’s economy, particularly in our rural communities. 

test wheat

ksu science program

ksu bioenergy

The National Bio and Agro-defense Facility (NBAF) is now being constructed by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security at K-State. There will be opportunities for industry to engage with America's foremost animal disease research facility. 

NBAF exterior

NBAF exterior

Unmanned Aviation Systems

The Kansas State University Salina Aerospace and Technology Campus' Unmanned Aviation Systems (UAS) program is a national leader in the field. With the additional assets offered by Ft. Riley, UAS is a target industry that’s a perfect fit for Junction City-Geary County. There are opportunities to harness this momentum and engage with local industry. 

Defense-Based Businesses

As home to a major Army installation, Fort Riley, where young men and women are transitioning out of the service, defense-based industries in need of skilled professionals are well-suited to our region. The National Security Crossroads' Mission is to brand the region as a National Security strength and home for new national security missions, educate federal legislators on the value of the Crossroads, and share best practices to enable members of the Crossroads to be agile and resilient. Click here to download the National Security Crossroad's PowerPoint.